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M.A.S.H (Seasons 1-11) - Larry Gelbart, Burt Metcalfe, Gene Reynolds, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2008

83,60 €

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M.A.S.H (Seasons 1-11) - Larry Gelbart, Burt Metcalfe, Gene Reynolds, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2008
M.A.S.H (Seasons 1-11) - Larry Gelbart, Burt Metcalfe, Gene Reynolds, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2008

M.A.S.H (Seasons 1-11)

34 DVD

    Korea, 1950. They were a MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) unit stationed three miles from the front. Incoming helicopters Čítať viac

    Korea, 1950. They were a MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) unit stationed three miles from the front. Incoming helicopters Čítať viac

    • DVD film
    • Angličtina
    Ach, mrzí nás to, z tohto filmu sa už predali všetky kusy a nemáme ho na sklade my ani distribútor :( Teoreticky však môžete mať šťastie v niektorých iných obchodoch, ktoré ešte nepredali posledné kusy.
    Keď bude tento film k dispozícii, budeme Vás informovať na e-mail, ktorý uvediete. Nebojte sa, ide iba o nezáväznú informáciu pre Vás, nie o objednávku - ak budete mať o film záujem, môžete následne prísť na našu stránku a objednať si ho.

    Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

    Utajený osud - Lucinda Riley, Tatran, 2025

    Viac o titule

    Tento produkt je v pôvodnom znení a neobsahuje české ani slovenské titulky a dabing.

    Korea, 1950. They were a MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) unit stationed three miles from the front. Incoming helicopters full of wounded brought the horrors of war to them daily and sometimes bullets flew right outside the operating room door. Hilarity and hijinks were all that kept them sane. Now journey back to that special place where friendships were forged, laughter was found and drinks were served.

    Featuring all the episodes from the complete 11 seasons of M*A*S*H!

    A first for television in many ways, M.A.S.H. helped invent the dramedy format, seasoning its comedy with character development and serious issues of war, peace, and human relationships. Based on Robert Altman's 1970 movie of the same name, the show featured an ensemble cast set in a remote mobile Army surgical hospital near Seoul, during the Korean War.
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    „Vždy, keď niekto umrie, starostlivo vygravírujú do náhrobku jeho dátum narodenia a smrti. Ale vlastne to jediné, čo sa skutočne ráta, je tá malá pomlčka medzi rokmi.“

    Kodanská pieseň piesní - Annette Bjergfeldt, 2021
    Kodanská pieseň piesní
    • Annette Bjergfeldt