Kin Arad is a high-ranking official of the Company. After twenty-one decades of living, and with the help of memory surgery, she is at the top of her profession... Čítať viac
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Čeština, 1997
Kin Arad is a high-ranking official of the Company. After twenty-one decades of living, and with the help of memory surgery, she is at the top of her profession... Čítať viac
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Terry Pratchett (celým menom Terence David John Pratchett) (*28. apríla 1948 - † 12. marca 2015) je anglický autor fantasy literatúry. Pratchett sa narodil v Beaconsfielde v anglickom grófstve Bucks Davidovi a Eileen Pratchettovcom. Svoje vzdelanie pripisuje High Wycombe Technical High School a Beaconsfieldskej verejnej knižnici.