Knihy o zdraví a životnom štýle zo série Fashion Patternmaking Techniques
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Divided into eight clear chapters, the book starts with an in-depth study on measuring and body shaping, before examining fabric technology and sartorial terminology. It describes a wide range of skirts and trousers, both for women and men, ...
Knihabrožovaná väzba37,99 €Na sklade 2 ks
This second volume of Fashion Patternmaking Techniques, guides readers through and examine the various procedures for transforming bodices, through dart manipulation as well as studying techniques for creating volumes, draping, and fitted patterns...
Knihabrožovaná väzba37,72 €Viac ako 30 dní
High fashion unquestionably goes hand-in-hand with sartorial and stylistic perfection. A driving force behind the entire fashion and garment industry, it represents the search for new solutions concerning fabrics, style, or patterns...
Knihabrožovaná väzba37,50 €Do 2 – 5 dní
This volume explores and provides clear and detailed and in detail illustrated explanations of all kinds of outerwear patterns for women and men. Antonio Donnanno is a patternmaking techniques teacher, fashion school director, and author of dozens of ...
Knihabrožovaná väzba35,41 €Na sklade 1 ks
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High fashion unquestionably goes hand-in-hand with sarto- rial and stylistic perfection. A driving force behind the entire fashion and garment industry, it represents the search for new solutions concerning fabrics, style or patterns...
Knihabrožovaná väzba33,99 €Do 2 – 5 dní
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- Pocketbook
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- Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
- Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou
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- Pocketbook
- Smartfón či tablet s podporovanou aplikáciou
- Počítač s podporovanou aplikáciou
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- Kindle