Atlas of Oddities - Clive Gifford, Tracy Worrall (ilustrácie), Little, Brown, 2016

23,28 €

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Atlas of Oddities - Clive Gifford, Tracy Worrall (ilustrácie), Little, Brown, 2016
Atlas of Oddities - Clive Gifford, Tracy Worrall (ilustrácie), Little, Brown, 2016

Atlas of Oddities

This beautiful atlas is a celebration of the unusual events, objects and people that make our world such a fascinating place. Living on the planet are more than 7 billion... Čítať viac

Little, Brown, 2016
Počet strán

This beautiful atlas is a celebration of the unusual events, objects and people that make our world such a fascinating place. Living on the planet are more than 7 billion people, all with their own interests, traditions and ways of life... Čítať viac

  • Pevná väzba
  • Angličtina

23,28 €

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Pôvodná cena 24,50 €
Toto je najnižšia cena titulu v internetovom kníhkupectve za posledných 30 dní pred zavedením tejto zľavy.
Tento produkt je na objednávku a jeho dodanie môže trvať aj viac ako 30 dní. Urobíme však všetko pre to, aby sme vašu objednávku odoslali čo najskôr a o jej ceste vás budeme včas informovať.

Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

Onyx Storm - Rebecca Yarros, Little, Brown, 2025
Atlas of Oddities - Clive Gifford, Tracy Worrall (ilustrácie), Little, Brown, 2016
23,28 €

Viac o knihe

This beautiful atlas is a celebration of the unusual events, objects and people that make our world such a fascinating place. Living on the planet are more than 7 billion people, all with their own interests, traditions and ways of life. And the extraordinary scenery – from the icy poles to scorching hot deserts, lush tropical rainforests, giant rocky caves and canyons, remarkable rivers, lakes and seas, also provides a home to a phenomenally wide range of different animals and plants. This unbelievable round-the-world adventure will take you through all of the planet’s continents and countries, and on the way you’ll get to see just how diverse the world can be. The beautifully illustrated maps feature key aspects, such as borders, capital cities and major rivers, and are perfect for engaging young readers. Discover facts and stats about the country or region and get up close and personal with some of Earth’s most mysterious and unusual creatures, places, objects and events in this beautiful world atlas for children and adults alike.
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Little, Brown

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Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

„A možno práve vtedy, oslobodení od sebectva zistíme, aký jednoduchý a krásny môže byť život. Úplne jasne uvidíme, čo všetko sme schopní obetovať a vzdáme sa toho s prekvapivou ľahkosťou, a jediný obraz, ktorý sa nám vryje navždy do pamäti, bude tvár človeka, ktorému sme podali ruku, aby vládal kráčať.“

A vráť sa po slabších - Silvia Bystričanová, 2016
A vráť sa po slabších
  • Silvia Bystričanová