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An Atlas of Countries That Don't Exist - Nick Middleton, MacMillan, 2015

25,95 €

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An Atlas of Countries That Don't Exist - Nick Middleton, MacMillan, 2015
An Atlas of Countries That Don't Exist - Nick Middleton, MacMillan, 2015

An Atlas of Countries That Don't Exist

A compendium of fifty unrecognized and largely unnoticed states

A stunning gift hardback featuring beautiful maps and stories of unrecognised countries. Acclaimed travel writer and Oxford geography don Nick Middleton takes us on a magical... Čítať viac

MacMillan, 2015
Počet strán

A stunning gift hardback featuring beautiful maps and stories of unrecognised countries. Acclaimed travel writer and Oxford geography don Nick Middleton takes us on a magical tour of countries that, lacking diplomatic recognition or UN membership, ... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina
Ach, mrzí nás to, z tejto knihy sa už predali všetky výtlačky a nemáme ju na sklade my ani vydavateľ :( Teoreticky však môžete mať šťastie v niektorých iných obchodoch, ktoré ešte nepredali posledné kusy.
Keď bude táto kniha k dispozícii, budeme Vás informovať na e-mail, ktorý uvediete. Nebojte sa, ide iba o nezáväznú informáciu pre Vás, nie o objednávku - ak budete mať o knihu záujem, môžete následne prísť na našu stránku a objednať si ju.

Vianoční škriatkovia odporúčajú

Duša z popola a krvi - Jennifer L. Armentrout, Zelený kocúr, 2024
Nakúpte knižné darčeky do 22.12. na alebo v našich kníhkupectvách a deň pred Vianocami vyhrá sedem z vás poukážku v hodnote 200 €. Sedem sviatočných hrdinov a hrdiniek žrebujeme 23. decembra 🎄

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A stunning gift hardback featuring beautiful maps and stories of unrecognised countries. Acclaimed travel writer and Oxford geography don Nick Middleton takes us on a magical tour of countries that, lacking diplomatic recognition or UN membership, inhabit a world of shifting borders, visionary leaders and forgotten peoples. Most of us think we know what a country is, but in truth the concept is rather slippery. From Catalonia to the Crimea, and from Africa's last colony to the European republic that enjoyed just a solitary day of independence, the places in this book may lie on the margins of legitimacy, but all can be visited in the real world. Beautifully illustrated by fifty regional maps, each shadowy country is literally cut out of the page of this book. Alongside stories, facts and figures, this Atlas brings to life a dreamlike world of nations that exist only in the minds of the people who live there.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
180×242 mm
898 g
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„Cesty vedú ďalej, ďalej, pod mračná, cez zrázne žľaby a po púti dlhej, smelej, domov zrazu mocne vábi.“

Hobit - J.R.R. Tolkien, 2012
  • J.R.R. Tolkien