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Logo Design Toolbox, Gestalten Verlag, 2013

44,18 €

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Logo Design Toolbox

Time Saving Templates for Graphic Design

    With this toolbox of practical logo templates a la Neubau Welt, Alexander Tibelius provides designers with useful groundwork for implementing their own ideas. All designers are... Čítať viac

    Gestalten Verlag, 2013
    Počet strán

    With this toolbox of practical logo templates a la Neubau Welt, Alexander Tibelius provides designers with useful groundwork for implementing their own ideas. All designers are familiar with this problem... Čítať viac

    • Kniha
    • Angličtina

    44,18 €

    -5 %
    Pôvodná cena 46,50 €
    Toto je najnižšia cena titulu v internetovom kníhkupectve za posledných 30 dní pred zavedením tejto zľavy.
    Tento produkt je na objednávku a jeho dodanie môže trvať aj viac ako 30 dní. Urobíme však všetko pre to, aby sme vašu objednávku odoslali čo najskôr a o jej ceste vás budeme včas informovať.
    Mal to byť darček? Tento titul vám už, žiaľ, pravdepodobne nestihne prísť do Vianoc :( Skúste nájsť iný, ktorý ešte stihne prísť, alebo podarujte našu darčekovú poukážku. Pozrite si termíny vianočného doručovania.

    Vianoční škriatkovia odporúčajú

    Vianočná nádielka - Dominik Dán, Slovart, 2024
    Logo Design Toolbox, Gestalten Verlag, 2013
    44,18 €
    Nakúpte knižné darčeky do 22.12. na alebo v našich kníhkupectvách a deň pred Vianocami vyhrá sedem z vás poukážku v hodnote 200 €. Sedem sviatočných hrdinov a hrdiniek žrebujeme 23. decembra 🎄

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    With this toolbox of practical logo templates a la Neubau Welt, Alexander Tibelius provides designers with useful groundwork for implementing their own ideas. All designers are familiar with this problem: one element is still missing and a deadline is fast approaching. They can imagine the suitable component, but since it isn't at hand, it first has to be created in a time-consuming process. What could help simplify and shorten typical design processes? Which tools would one always like to have available? With his 900+ templates for contemporary graphic and logo design, Alexander Tibelius provides designers with the right basic materials for further processing and tuning. Thanks to The Logo Design Toolbox, no one has to reinvent the wheel —or almost anything else for that matter. The book provides a variety of designs for items from wheels, sashes, laurel wreaths, and crowns to anchors, beards, and pirate skulls, along with multiple renditions of letters, triangles, stars, ornaments, and speech bubbles. Everything pictured in Tibelius's book is, of course, also available as a scalable and customizable vector file. Comparable to popular Gestalten publications such as Neubau Welt or Carsten nicolai's Grid Index, this clearly structured toolbox provides designers with some of the most used, recurring elements, symbols, and motifs in logo and layout design in all of their conceivable permutations. These can be used by amateurs and professionals alike as a time-saving basis for creating their own cards, flyers, posters, websites, presentations, logos, or t-shirts. In short, the multifaceted compendium The Logo Design Toolbox will serve any graphic designer as a practical helper for producing specific, goal-oriented results.
    Čítať viac
    Naše katalógové číslo
    Počet strán
    214×264 mm
    1020 g
    Rok vydania
    Gestalten Verlag

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