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Zombie: An Anthology of the Undead - Christopher Golden, Piatkus, 2010

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Zombie: An Anthology of the Undead - Christopher Golden, Piatkus, 2010
Zombie: An Anthology of the Undead - Christopher Golden, Piatkus, 2010

Zombie: An Anthology of the Undead

RESURRECTION! The hungry dead have risen. They shamble down the street. They hide in backyards, car parks, shopping centres. They devour our neighbours, dogs and policemen. And... Čítať viac

Piatkus, 2010
500 strán
7 hodín čítania

RESURRECTION! The hungry dead have risen. They shamble down the street. They hide in backyards, car parks, shopping centres. They devour our neighbours, dogs and policemen. And they are here to stay... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina
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O láske a zrade - Jamie Ogle, Slovenský spisovateľ, 2025

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RESURRECTION! The hungry dead have risen. They shamble down the street. They hide in backyards, car parks, shopping centres. They devour our neighbours, dogs and policemen. And they are here to stay. The real question is: what are you going to do about it? How will you survive? How will the world change when the dead begin to rise? Bram Stoker-award-winning author Christopher Golden has assembled an original anthology of never-before-published zombie stories from an eclectic array of today's most popular horror, fantasy, thriller and literary writers. Inside are tales about military might in the wake of an outbreak, survival in a wasted wasteland, the ardour of falling in love with a zombie, and a family outing at the circus. Here is a collection of new views on death and resurrection. With stories from Joe Hill, John Connolly and many others, this is a wildly diverse and entertaining collection - the last word on the undead.
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brožovaná väzba
135×215 mm
555 g
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„Lenže som až prineskoro pochopila, ktorým smerom sa bolo treba uberať: smerom k túžbam. Človek by čakal, že ľudí zachraňujú celkom iné veci: povinnosť, čestnosť, dobrota srdca, zmysel pre spravodlivosť. Nie. To, čo zachraňuje, sú túžby. Sú jedinou skutočnou vecou. Ak ich máš, zachrániš sa. “

Oceán more - Alessandro Baricco, 2004
Oceán more
  • Alessandro Baricco