Issun Bôshi, Gestalten Verlag, 2014

17,31 €

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Issun Bôshi, Gestalten Verlag, 2014
Issun Bôshi, Gestalten Verlag, 2014

Issun Bôshi

The One-Inch Boy

    This classic Japanese fairy tale tells the story of Issun Boshi, the tiny son of an old, long childless couple. Tiny and brave-these are the two most striking characteristics of... Čítať viac

    Gestalten Verlag, 2014
    40 strán
    34 minút čítania

    This classic Japanese fairy tale tells the story of Issun Boshi, the tiny son of an old, long childless couple. Tiny and brave-these are the two most striking characteristics of Issun Boshi. His mother had longed to have ... Čítať viac

    • Pevná väzba
    • Angličtina

    17,31 €

    Túto knihu máme síce aktuálne na sklade, máme však už iba posledné kusy. Ak ju chcete mať rýchlo, ponáhľajte sa! Dodanie ďalších môže trvať dlhšie, zvyčajne do 31 dní.

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    Fit recepty: Do 5 surovín - Lucia Wagnerová, Fit brands, 2024
    Issun Bôshi, Gestalten Verlag, 2014
    17,31 €

    Viac o knihe

    This classic Japanese fairy tale tells the story of Issun Boshi, the tiny son of an old, long childless couple. Tiny and brave-these are the two most striking characteristics of Issun Boshi. His mother had longed to have a child for so many years that she finally added "even if it is a very small one" to her wish. When the elderly couple did in fact bear a son, he turned out to be only one inch high. He was thus called Issun Boshi, Japanese for one-inch boy. Although his parents raised him very lovingly, Issun Boshi realized one day that he would not grow any taller. He then left his home to set off on a journey to find his place in the world. Because he saw himself as a swordfighter, a samurai, he made sure to take along the right equipment: a needle was his sword, a soup bowl was his boat, and a chopstick was its rudder. As in any proper fairy tale, Issun Boshi is tested in several adventures. He handles himself so bravely that, in the end, he is rewarded with just the right princess.
    Čítať viac
    Naše katalógové číslo
    Počet strán
    pevná väzba
    217×340 mm
    500 g
    Rok vydania
    Vekové odporúčanie
    Gestalten Verlag

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