The Art Of Creative Writing - Lajos Egri, Citadel, 2020

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The Art Of Creative Writing - Lajos Egri, Citadel, 2020
The Art Of Creative Writing - Lajos Egri, Citadel, 2020

The Art Of Creative Writing

Thousands of books have been written on the subject of writing and how to do it better. Among them are a few select classics that reveal the essential elements of good... Čítať viac

Citadel, 2020
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Thousands of books have been written on the subject of writing and how to do it better. Among them are a few select classics that reveal the essential elements of good storytelling... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

15,95 €

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The Art Of Creative Writing - Lajos Egri, Citadel, 2020
15,95 €

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Thousands of books have been written on the subject of writing and how to do it better. Among them are a few select classics that reveal the essential elements of good storytelling. The Art of Creative Writing is such a classic. As in the bestselling The Art of Dramatic Writing, still considered one of the most essential books on playwriting more than 75 years after publication, the author outlines in detail his highly acclaimed Egri Method of Creative Writing and shows how to apply it to all fiction formats—novels, short stories, and screenplays. Grounded in Egri's assertion that "Every type of creative writing depends upon the credibility of a character," here is concise, clear advice on the most important element of good writing: characterization. Step by step, Egri shows writers how to probe the secrets of human motivation to create flesh-and-blood characters who create suspense and conflict, and who grow emotionally under stress and strain. As practical as it is inspiring, The Art of Creative Writing remains a timeless, illuminating guide that teaches every writer, and aspiring writer, how to create works that are both compelling and enduring.
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brožovaná väzba
209×139 mm
240 g
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„A možno práve vtedy, oslobodení od sebectva zistíme, aký jednoduchý a krásny môže byť život. Úplne jasne uvidíme, čo všetko sme schopní obetovať a vzdáme sa toho s prekvapivou ľahkosťou, a jediný obraz, ktorý sa nám vryje navždy do pamäti, bude tvár človeka, ktorému sme podali ruku, aby vládal kráčať.“

A vráť sa po slabších - Silvia Bystričanová, 2016
A vráť sa po slabších
  • Silvia Bystričanová