Flight of the Nighthawks - Raymond E. Feist, HarperCollins, 2007

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Flight of the Nighthawks - Raymond E. Feist, HarperCollins, 2007
Flight of the Nighthawks - Raymond E. Feist, HarperCollins, 2007

Flight of the Nighthawks

A portent of annihilation awakens the powerful sorcerer Pug in the dead of night—a dread vision warning of a vast and terrible army descending upon the exposed heart of... Čítať viac

1. diel série
The Darkwar Saga
HarperCollins, 2007
404 strán
6-7 hodín čítania

A portent of annihilation awakens the powerful sorcerer Pug in the dead of night—a dread vision warning of a vast and terrible army descending upon the exposed heart of Midkemia. Even the formidable might of the Tsurani Empire will not... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina
Ach, mrzí nás to, z tejto knihy sa už predali všetky výtlačky a nemáme ju na sklade my ani vydavateľ :( Teoreticky však môžete mať šťastie v niektorých iných obchodoch, ktoré ešte nepredali posledné kusy.
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Oddelenie D - Freida McFadden, Motýľ, 2025

Viac o knihe

A portent of annihilation awakens the powerful sorcerer Pug in the dead of night—a dread vision warning of a vast and terrible army descending upon the exposed heart of Midkemia. Even the formidable might of the Tsurani Empire will not beat back the alien invaders. And in far Stardock town, two boys—untrained, unready, and barely come of age—will be called upon by the mysterious Conclave of Shadows to confront a sinister plot that implicates even the highest-ranking nobles in the land. For a nightmare of treason, intrigue, and murder is brewing among an ancient Brotherhood of Death—a clan of merciless assassins whose name is spoken only in fearful whispers . . .
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
105×171 mm
189 g
Rok vydania
1. diel série
The Darkwar Saga

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Vydavateľstvo HarperCollins

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