Kiss Me in New York - Catherine Rider, Kids Can, 2017

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Kiss Me in New York - Catherine Rider, Kids Can, 2017
Kiss Me in New York - Catherine Rider, Kids Can, 2017

Kiss Me in New York

It's Christmas Eve at JFK in NYC.Charlotte is a British student, waiting for a flight home after the worst semester of her life. Anthony is a native New Yorker, surprising his... Čítať viac

Kids Can, 2017
200 strán
3-4 hodiny čítania

It's Christmas Eve at JFK in NYC.Charlotte is a British student, waiting for a flight home after the worst semester of her life. Anthony is a native New Yorker, surprising his girlfriend at the airport after three months apart. Charlotte has just been dum Čítať viac

  • Pevná väzba
  • Angličtina
Ach, mrzí nás to, z tejto knihy sa už predali všetky výtlačky a nemáme ju na sklade my ani vydavateľ :( Teoreticky však môžete mať šťastie v niektorých iných obchodoch, ktoré ešte nepredali posledné kusy.
Keď bude táto kniha k dispozícii, budeme Vás informovať na e-mail, ktorý uvediete. Nebojte sa, ide iba o nezáväznú informáciu pre Vás, nie o objednávku - ak budete mať o knihu záujem, môžete následne prísť na našu stránku a objednať si ju.

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Viac o knihe

It's Christmas Eve at JFK in NYC.Charlotte is a British student, waiting for a flight home after the worst semester of her life. Anthony is a native New Yorker, surprising his girlfriend at the airport after three months apart. Charlotte has just been dumped, and Anthony is about to be dumped, right in the middle of the holiday crowd. Charlotte's flight is canceled when a blizzard blows in, and Anthony can't bear to go home. So, they set out into the city together, clutching a book Charlotte picks up in the airport gift shop: Ten Easy Steps for Getting Over Your Ex. For this one night, they'll focus on healing their broken hearts ... together. Step-by-step, the two struggle to put the past behind them. But the snow is so enchanting, and the holiday lights are so beguiling, that soon their shared misery gives way to something else. Soon, they're not only over their exes - they're falling for each other. Then a subway ride splits them up by mistake. Will they reunite before Charlotte's flight leaves New York forever? Part Before Sunrise, part Sleepless in Seattle, this delightful story will appeal to anyone who sees the romance in a swirl of snowflakes at the top of the Empire State Building, or anyone who's wondered if true love was waiting at the other end of the airport ticket counter.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
pevná väzba
160×235 mm
433 g
Rok vydania
Vekové odporúčanie
Kids Can
Pre koho
young adult

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„Chcel somsa len zahrať, na divoký západ a zmiznúť v jednom z nich. Vypadnúť na pláž, popíjať rum a sledovať, tú dokonalú Božiu prácu, pri chôdzi v plavkách.“