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The Bullet Journal Method - Ryder Carroll, Fourth Estate, 2021

12,50 €

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The Bullet Journal Method - Ryder Carroll, Fourth Estate, 2021
The Bullet Journal Method - Ryder Carroll, Fourth Estate, 2021

The Bullet Journal Method

Transform your life using the Bullet Journal Method, the revolutionary organisational system and worldwide phenomenon. In his long-awaited first book, Ryder Carroll, the creator... Čítať viac

Fourth Estate, 2021
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Transform your life using the Bullet Journal Method, the revolutionary organisational system and worldwide phenomenon. In his long-awaited first book, Ryder Carroll, the creator of the enormously popular Bullet Journal organisational system, explains... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

12,50 €

Tento produkt je na objednávku a jeho dodanie môže trvať aj viac ako 30 dní. Urobíme však všetko pre to, aby sme vašu objednávku odoslali čo najskôr a o jej ceste vás budeme včas informovať.
Ďalšie knižné vydania
The Bullet Journal Method - Ryder Carroll, Fourth Estate, 2018
Pevná väzba
Angličtina, 2018
Túto knihu máme síce aktuálne na sklade, máme však už iba posledné kusy. Ak ju chcete mať rýchlo, ponáhľajte sa! Dodanie ďalších môže trvať dlhšie, zvyčajne do 30 dní.

21,95 €

Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

O láske a zrade - Jamie Ogle, Slovenský spisovateľ, 2025
The Bullet Journal Method - Ryder Carroll, Fourth Estate, 2021
12,50 €

Viac o knihe

Transform your life using the Bullet Journal Method, the revolutionary organisational system and worldwide phenomenon.

In his long-awaited first book, Ryder Carroll, the creator of the enormously popular Bullet Journal organisational system, explains how to use his method to:

• TRACK YOUR PAST: using nothing more than a pen and paper, create a clear, comprehensive, and organised record of your thoughts and goals.
• ORDER YOUR PRESENT: find daily calm by prioritising and minimising your workload and tackling your to-do list in a more mindful and productive way.
• PLAN YOUR FUTURE: establish and appraise your short-term and long-term goals, plan more complex projects simply and effectively, and live your life with meaning and purpose.

Like many of us, Ryder Carroll tried everything to get organised – countless apps, systems, planners, you name it. Nothing really worked. Then he invented his own simple system that required only pen and paper, which he found both effective and calming. He shared his method with a few friends, and before long he had a worldwide viral movement. Hundreds of thousands of Bullet Journal fans now spread the word and read Ryder's blog and newsletter.

The system combines elements of a wishlist, a to-do list, and a diary. It makes it easy to get thoughts out of your head (an unreliable witness) and onto paper, to see them clearly and decide what to do about them. It helps you identify what matters, and set goals accordingly. By breaking long-term goals into small actionable steps, users map out an approachable path towards continual improvement, allowing them to stay focused despite the crush of incoming demands.

But this is much more than a time management book. It's also a manifesto for what Ryder calls "intentional living": making sure that your beliefs and actions align. Even if you already use a Bullet Journal, this book gives you new exercises to become more calm and focused, new insights on how to prioritise well, and a new awareness of the power of analogue tools in a digital world.
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Naše katalógové číslo
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brožovaná väzba
129×198 mm
562 g
Rok vydania
Fourth Estate

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Recenzie, kritiky

The Bullet Journal Method will undoubtedly transform your life, in more ways than you can imagine.
- Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning

„Čo má cítiť? Kam má kráčať? Na koho sa hnevať? O čo sa usilovať? Kde je ten jediný pevný bod, od ktorého sa dá odvodiť všetko ostatné, čo by už konečne spolu súviselo, bolo by to správne a fungovalo by to tak, že by už nebolo potrebné vracať sa z kratšej cesty? Konečne sa nemusieť vracať z kratšej cesty, ako už toľkokrát za svoj dospelý život.“

Úplne najviac - Maxim E. Matkin, 2013
Úplne najviac
  • Maxim E. Matkin